Sung Shi Kyung
- Concerts, MBC, SBS, KBS, Broadcasts. 2003-05.
- Session guitartist."My Sweetie"KBS,MBC,SBS 2002-04.
- Chamsil Stadium,Show King,MBC,KBS,SBS,EBS.2002-03.
People Crew
- Session Guitarist IVY Music 2002.
Ricky Martin
- KBS LIVE concert. 2002.
Ju Ju Club
- KBS Music Tank 2002.
Danny Jung
- The Thailand tour for Sony records. 2001.
Monk Munch Records
- 1999 LRD Band CD.
Chapman Guitars 2022 to present. Endorsed Artist.
Graphtech Guitar Parts. Endorsed Artist. 2008 to present.
Olympia Strings etc., Artist and consulting. 2008 to present.
Sound Drive Amlifiers and products 2008 to present.
Swing Guitars - Signature Custom Guitar 2011
Jammate and JTR Guitars 2006 to 2012. Endorsed Artist.
Band in a Box Audio. 2008 to present.
Good Morning Pops voice recording 2014 to 2017